See How Korean Ramen is Different From Japanese Ramen at Jeju Noodle Bar in the West Village

Jeju Noodle Bar is a modern Korean Ramen bar in the West Village from chef/owner Douglas Kim which serves up delicious bowls of "Ramyun" and other Korean dishes. In this video from Eater's excellent K-Town series, watch as host Matthew Kang heads to the restaurant and helps explain exactly how Korean Ramen is different from its more well-known Japanese counterpart.

Koreans have a love affair with noodles, especially of the instant variety. Koreans famously package instant ramen like Shin and Nong Shim in myriad flavors, with varying degrees of spice, soup base, and noodle. Though this idea of Korean-style ramen, called ramyun, isn’t new, K-Town host Matthew Kang is visiting Jeju Noodle Bar in New York City where chef Douglas Kim is doing his spin on Korean ramen.

via Eater

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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