"Pigeon Kings of Brooklyn" is (Another) Short Documentary About New Yorkers Tending Pigeons on City Rooftops

After nearly 6 months of Viewing NYC posts, we wrote our first article about three New York men who raise pigeons earlier this week. Now, just 2 days later, a completely separate mini documentary from Narratively highlights three different man who also raise pigeons from their rooftops. I don't know why we haven't heard about pigeon raising until now, but it appears that the City has no shortage of people training them.

Look up from the busy streets of New York City, and you might glimpse a flock of purebred pigeons swooping in circles around an abandoned tenement building in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Their aerial acrobatics are guided by their keeper, a streetwise Puerto Rican nicknamed 2Tone. On the other end of the borough, a man named Goodwin and his pal Super 13 tend their own pigeon coop and flock of 300 birds. Each man is trying to beat the other, to lure his birds away. It's about bragging rights but it's also about poetry, it's about religion. It's about finding that "true pigeon that will never break your heart," as 2Tone says.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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