It's no secret that New York City is the melting pot of melting pots. Over the past 400 years, people from all over the world have come to the City for hopes of a better life, and they still do toady, if they can afford the rent!
An interesting interactive data visualization from Max Galka of Metrocosm (previously) explores the origins of the City's immigrants compiled from a number of sources including the dicennial U.S. Census and the National Historical Geographic Information System.
At one time it had the largest German population outside of Germany, the largest Italian population outside of Italy, and an Irish population that was larger than that of Dublin itself. Currently, New York City is home to the largest Chinese, Jewish, Indian, African American, Puerto Rican, and Russian populations in the U.S. Throughout it’s nearly 400-year history, New York City’s demography has been characterized by an ever-changing series of immigration “waves,” coming from all corners of the globe.
Check out the accompanying article for more info on the data collection and analysis.
via Metrocosm
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