There is a lot of stuff going on the City, and we can't write about it all. Here are some interesting things some of our friends have written up lately.
- 6sqft ⇒ Historic UES Mansion With Michael Jackson and 'Gossip Girl' Ties Asks $39M
- Bedford + Bowery ⇒ How Do Bushwickers Feel About Living in America’s Second Coolest Neighborhood?
- Bklyner ⇒ Registration for Polar Bear Club New Year's Plunge Is Open
- Bowery Boogie ⇒ Orchard and Broome Is Now Little Italy for Scorsese’s ‘Irishman’ Film Shoot Tomorrow
- Curbed NY ⇒ Village Residents Protest the Rise of a 'Silicon Alley' Near Union Square
- Daytonian in Manhattan ⇒ A Downtown Treasure, the National City Bank Building - 55 Wall Street
- EV Grieve ⇒ Former Angelica Kitchen Space Will Yield to a Chinese Noodle Shop on 12th Street
- Guest of a Guest ⇒ Gold-Flaked Turkeys Will Be Served at This $20,000 Thanksgiving Dinner
- New York Times ⇒ A Deli Where Rye Comes in Slices and in a Glass
- The Real Deal New York ⇒ Lights, Camera, Action: New Movie Theater Heading to Sunnyside
- Thrillist ⇒ The Unwritten Rules of Riding the LIRR
- Untapped Cities ⇒ Explore 11 Funhouse Galleries in the Museum of Natural History’s Exhibit About Human Senses
- Washington Square Park Blog ⇒ Childe Hassam’s New York: Washington Arch, Spring, 1890
- Welcome2TheBronx ⇒ 13 Affordable Bronx Restaurants That You Should Definitely Try at Some Point
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