Matthew Silver, better known as the Union Square Underwear Man, has a new performance piece in which he and 5 other people frolic on the rainy City streets while dancing around in their underwear.
We're revolving... or are we evolving? Enter police, stores, shoppers, innocent bystanders, and mix with buckets of rain and six pair of underwear and voila... the recipe for the ultimate delight. Just reach for it.
Many people write off Silver and his troupe as "crazy" but his website suggests he knows exactly what he is doing.
My role as a clown, trickster and village idiot is to parody excessive seriousness by playing with taboos, rules, and social norms. My inspiration comes from my heart. I perform for smiles and laughter, loosening people’s armor, and opening up a portal for imagination, creativity and love.
Crazy? Probably not. Quirky and weird, definitely. The video is entertaining though, mostly for the crowd and police reactions.
via Vimeo
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