[WATCH] This NYC Sidewalk Christmas Tree Vendor Has a $1000 Tree For Sale

Would you spend $1,000 on a Christmas Tree?

If you have deep pockets, there are Christmas trees that sell for a whopping one grand. A New York City street vendor is offering Korean firs for that stellar amount, which is based on the trees' huge size and their rarity. If you've got $1,000, Greenwich Village tree seller Heather Neville will throw in a stand, have your tree delivered, and send along some men to put it up for you. According national consumer reports, the average person spends $1,000 over the entire holiday season.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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