Ever feel like it's been a decade since that construction started? Well, you may be right. The past ten years have brought a continuous influx of new people with new demands into our nation's biggest cities, including New York. Cue: luxury residential towers, contemporary office spaces, and bulky parking decks.
Real estate blog RENTCafe captured this gradual change with a series of time-lapsed sliding images to show five of the City's most prominent developments over the past decade. By simply dragging the arrow left and right, you can witness the immense social and structural transformation of your borough.
Queens: East Coast 4, 4545 Center Blvd, School 78, Quik Park, 4540 Center Boulevard
The Bronx: Courtlandt Corners I and II (a.k.a. The Upton)
Brooklyn: Avalon Fort Greene & Toren
Manhattan: Silver Towers, Sky
Manhattan: Skyline
The photos instill mixed feelings of nostalgia and awe. While we might yearn for the skyline we once knew, these buildings are here to stay- we might as well work to appreciate these impressive feats of modern architecture.
via RENTCafé
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