This week's New Yorker Magazine cover features a clever representation of Manhattan neighborhoods assembled in a bookcase. Titled Shelf Life, the illustration was created by artist Luci Gutiérrez and includes depictions of iconic, neighborhood defining features such as a child's alphabet block for Alphabet City, a dino-skeleton for the American Museum of Natural HIstory, a stethescope for Bellevue Hospital, and more.
"I drew a bookshelf, and the lines made me think of the streets of a map,” Luci Gutiérrez says, about her cover for this week’s issue. Another inspiration for her image: Wunderkammern, the cabinets of curiosities created in the Renaissance to display collections of extraordinary objects. “I don’t have this particular piece of furniture, but I wish I did. I keep strange and pretty objects,” Gutiérrez says. “It can be a chocolate paper wrapper or a Japanese mask. . . . they provide me with a way to remember the place they come from.”
Can you identify what each object represents?
via The New Yorker
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