This Hidden City recently published this fantastic bit of New York History detailing how the corner of Irving Avenue and Moffat Street on the Bushwick-Ridgewood border became the City's most radioactive spot.
In 1918, chemical engineer Alcan Hirsch, and his brother, mining chief Marx Hirsch, opened a chemical plant where today sits most of the businesses on Irving Ave's north side. […] Until 1947, when the Atomic Energy Commission began to purchase the fertile heavy element from Wolff-Alport, and for the full 20-years prior, the Thorium waste was simply dumped into the area's sewers. […] While a single X-ray may subject someone to 10 millirem of radiation, a worker at Los Primos is exposed to about 300 millirem per year (100 per year is deemed the highest "safe" dose).
Check out the full article for more history on the chemical factory and what's on the radioactive site today.
via This Hidden City
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