Vale of Cashmere may sound like it belongs in a Game of Thrones book, but it is actually a relatively unknown name of the neglected south-east portion of Prospect Park.
The Prospect Park Alliance recently announced it had hired eight new employees to help clean up and restore the area, but they aren't what you think…
Throughout the Park, storms like Hurricane Sandy have felled or damaged over 500 trees, enabling invasive plants to thrive and further harm the natural ecosystem. In the Park's Northeast Perimeter, where over 50 trees were damaged or destoyed, goats will be working alongside Prospect Park Alliance staff to restore the woodlands. The goats will eat these invasive weeds so that the Alliance can plant new native trees and plants next spring to beautify the landscape and bolster natural habitat for birds, and ensure the Park is more resilient against future storms.
The small herd of goats will start working in Prospect Park later this month.
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