Preview of Os Gemeos' Upcoming "Silence of Music" Solo Exhibition at Lehmann Maupin Gallery in Chelsea

Brazilian street art duo Os Gemeos have been pretty active in New York City over the past year, with a massive mural that popped up in the Bowery, some smaller street art pieces, and even a Times Square Midnight Moment called parallel connection.

Now Os Gemeos is back, but not on the street.

Lehmann Maupin will be opening next month “Silence of the Music”, the Brazilian artist duo Os Gemeos’ first New York solo show with the gallery. Twin brothers Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo will transform multiple rooms into an immersive installation that combines drawing, painting, collage, mixed media sculpture, and kinetic and audio elements. These newest works represent an evolution of the style OSGEMEOS has honed over decades, while also returning to their early experimentation with diverse mediums, including new oil paintings.

Check out the preview video's accompanying article or the gallery page for more info on Os Gemeos' "Silence of Music" exhibition.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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