There is a lot of stuff going on the City, and we can't write about it all. Here are some interesting things some of our friends have written up lately.
- 6sqft ⇒ Proposal Calls for a Floating Pedestrian Bridge to Connect Greenpoint and Long Island City
- Brooklyn Based ⇒ A Glass Museum Floats Into Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Paper ⇒ Sounds of Summer: The Best Summer Concerts in Brooklyn
- Daytonian in Manhattan ⇒ The Sullivan, Randolph & Budd Bldg - 80-82 White Street
- Gothamist ⇒ Brooklyn Residents Call for More Ambitious Survival Plan at L Train Town Hall
- Jackson Heights Post ⇒ Join Celebration of Jackson Heights' History Next Month | Jackson Heights Post
- New York Times ⇒ What to Pack in Your New York City Survival Kit
- The Bronx Socialite ⇒ Georgia O’Keeffe: Visions of Hawai’i Comes to NYBG
- Thrillist ⇒ Everything You Absolutely Have to Do in NYC This Weekend
- Tribeca Citizen ⇒ New Kid on the Block: Twenty First Gallery
- Untapped Cities ⇒ Step Aboard the GlassBarge From Corning at Brooklyn Bridge Park for Live Glass Blowing
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