There is a lot of stuff going on the City, and we can't write about it all. Here are some interesting things some of our friends have written up lately.
- 6sqft ⇒ City Will Convert Long-Vacant Greenpoint Hospital Into Hundreds of Affordable Housing Units
- Bklyner ⇒ Sunset Park Named One of the World's Coolest Neighborhoods
- Bowery Boogie ⇒ Eli Zabar’s ‘Night Shift’ Beer Bar Eyes Chinatown Expansion
- Downtown Express ⇒ Mayor’s Crackdown on Hate-Linked Memorials Starts in Downtown’s Canyon of Heroes With Nazi Collaborators
- Forgotten NY ⇒ Flushing 1852
- Gothamist ⇒ Dining Deals Abound for Those Sticking Around for Labor Day Weekend in NYC
- Stuff Nobody Cares About ⇒ Old New York in Photos #79 - Broadway & 79th Street C. 1890
- Thrillist ⇒ The Best Places for Hiking and Camping in the Catskills
- Time Out New York ⇒ New NYC Shop Will Serve Doughnuts Stuffed With Ice Cream
- Untapped Cities ⇒ Explore Central Park’s Hidden Conservatory Garden, a Secret Haven Within
- Welcome2TheBronx ⇒ A Taste of Italy in the Heart of the South Bronx
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