Photographer Dan Piech of Vast Photos recently created this incredible photo that combined 105 individual high definition exposures snapped over the course of an evening into one massive 620 Megapixel photo of New York City.
Reveling in the scene, I began exposing the long-exposure images that make up the left-side nighttime portions of the final photo. The fervor of cars racing up the avenues into the heart of the city rendered a beautiful glow on the buildings. Over the course of two hours, I meticulously recorded every last high resolution detail of this nighttime winter wonderland using a long telephoto lens mounted on my Canon 5Ds which I rotated using an extremely precise gimbal.
The 10305 x 8088 image shown here is about 15% smaller than the full size photo. Check out the photo's accompanying page to find out more about the process, and how you can order large-scale prints and displays of the photo.
via /r/pics
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