Data taken from the NYC Rent Guidelines Board's 2015 Housing Supply Report.
The citywide vacancy rate was 3.45% in 2014
Number of units citywide in accepted condo and coop plans:
- 1987: 45,098
- 2014: 9,573
More than 61% of NYC's rental housing stock units are in buildings constructed prior to 1947
A total of 1,513 buildings were demolished in 2014
- 17.7% increase over the prior year, following an increase of 14.6% in 2013
- Queens accounted for 36.7% of all the buildings demolished in 2014
New York City in 2014 had a total of 3,400,093 housing units
- Of the 2,184,297 occupied and vacant rental units, 38.9% were unregulated, or 'free market'
- The remaining units were rent regulated, including:
- Pre-war (pre-47) rent stabilized (35.1%)
- Post-war (post-46) rent stabilized (12.1%)
- Rent control (1.2%)
- Various other types of regulation programs (12.8%)
Permits for 20,483 new dwelling units were issued in New York City in 2014
- 13.8% increase over the prior year
- 5 consecutive years of increases
12.2% of all rental housing in New York City in 2014 was overcrowded.
- Defined as more than 1 person per room, on average
4.7% of all rental housing in New York City in 2014 was severely overcrowded
- Defined as an average of more than 1.5 persons per room
- Defined as an average of more than 1.5 persons per room
35,000 Airbnb rentals listed
- Up to 72% illegal rentals
via MUG
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