[WATCH] New York 2030: A New Generation of Massive Skyscrapers is on the Way

By 2030, New York City's skyline will have undergone a radical change, with the arrival of 5 huge new skyscrapers that will be particularly imposing, both in terms of width and height. In this video, I show you what the future New York will look like with these new towers. On the menu, we see the new JP Morgan Chase headquarters at 270 Park Avenue, the Tower Fifth in Midtown East, close to the Central Park matchstick skyscrapers, and last but not least, the Commodore project, also known as 175 Park Avenue, which at 480 meters will tower over Midtown East and overshadow the famous Chrysler Building. We'll also see the Affirmation Tower located right next to the Hudson Yards district and the 15 Penn Plaza project, which will take its place on the current site of the Pennsylvania Hotel and overshadow the Empire State Building...

via Looking 4

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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