It's no secret that we New Yorkers love our pizza. While most of us prefer a classic slice, served piping hot from an old-school, coal-fired brick oven, there are other types of slices out there that are tolerable too (read: Chicago-style slices). The folks at Industry Kitchen are really pushing our limits though when it comes to pizza manipulation. First they had the $2000 Caviar, Truffle & Gold Flaked Pizza, and now they have produced a blasphemous "Unicorn Slice" called the “Pop Candy Land Pizza".
Unicorn pizza exists and it's basically a giant sugar cookie covered in fluffy cotton candy ✨🍕🦄 #cosmobites
We New Yorkers have to draw the line somewhere. Please Industry Kitchen, quit futzing with our pizza and make a Unicorn Taco or something.

via Instagram
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