The Squirrel Census is a unique and ambitious project which attempted to count each and every single one of the Eastern Grey Squirrel population living in Central Park in 2018. So how many are there?
There are an estimated 2,373 Eastern Grey Squirrels in Central Park. How do we know this? Because we counted them, in October of 2018, with the help of 323 volunteer Squirrel Sighters. In June of 2019, we published our Central Park Squirrel Census 2019 Report, which is as much a survey of Eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) as it is a profile of Central Park.
The full report costs $75, but is a multimedia packet and includes a ton of extras:
- a five-foot-long map of Central Park that is one of the most comprehensive surveys of the green space ever created (the first major update since 1994) and includes observations on human activity in the park and at least two newly named locations
- a five-foot-long “celestial” chart showing squirrel locations, population densities, fur coloration patterns, and other data
- a “Squirrel Supplemental” with 37 pages of additional squirrel data, insights, and stories
- the “Central Park Squirrel Census Audio Report,” a 45-RPM experiential soundtrack of the park using notes gathered during the Census and read by Squirrel Sighters and the Squirrel Census team
- postcards, a “baseball card,” and other fun

If you are really into squirrels, Central Park, censuses, or New York City, check out The Squirrel Census to learn more.
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