There is a lot of stuff going on the City, and we can't write about it all. Here are some interesting things some of our friends have written up lately.
- Agorafy ⇒ Stool Pigeons: Urban Fowl Are Giving Up the Goods on Lead Poisoning
- Daytonian in Manhattan ⇒ The Albert L. Webster House - No. 112 East 40th Street
- DNAinfo New York ⇒ MTA Begins Testing New Subway Countdown Clocks This Week
- Guest of a Guest ⇒ 10 Spots to Celebrate National Oyster Day in NYC
- Long Island City Post ⇒ Hip to Hip Theater to Bring Shakespeare to Gantry Plaza State Park Saturday
- New York Minute Magazine ⇒ The Bagel Boss
- NextCity ⇒ NYC DOT Makes a Case Against Left Turns
- Serious Eats ⇒ Special Sauce: Danny Meyer Talks Hospitality and Comfort Food
- Staten Island Advance ⇒ Study:New York Is the 16th Worst State for Student Debt
- Sunnyside Post ⇒ City to Spray Sunnyside/Woodside With Pesticides Tonight, as War on Mosquitoes Continues
- Thrillist ⇒ NYC's Best Alternative Exercise Classes, for People Who Hate Soulcycle
- Times Ledger ⇒ First Contracts Awarded for LaGuardia AirTrain Project
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