Because most parts of Brooklyn and Queens use a combined sewer that can overflow and dump raw sewage into the waterways, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection is asking residents to "Wait..."
Why Wait…? Whenever we do laundry, shower, wash dishes, or flush the toilet, the water we use goes down the drain and into the sewer. But when there’s a heavy rain storm, that wastewater has to share the sewer with LOTS of rain water. On those days, our sewers can fill to capacity and a mix of wastewater and rain water can end up going into our waterways. Waiting to use water during a heavy rain storm helps to keep our waterways clean for our community and wildlife!
The City will send out text messages when it is time to "wait...", so you know exactly when to stop flushing, and when you can start again. Check out the program page to read more about the campaign.
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