Adult video website Pornhub recently crunched their search data to determine what the most popular words some major cities searched for on the site, they found that New Yorkers tend to like "MILFs", "Ebony", "Lesbian", and "Lisa Ann" the most. When compared against other cities, we New Yorkers tend to search for "Indian" and "Footjob" way more than any other. Make of that what you will.
Whether it’s a foot fetish or just a fantasy, footjob videos are searched for more in New York than any other U.S. city, according to data from Pornhub. The world’s largest porn site dove into their database to dish the most popular porn searches, categories and porn stars in New York, Boston and Philly — and we have the scoop. Out of these three cities, New York alone finds toes tantalizing and searches for footjobs 110% more than the rest of the country.
via Metro
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