Happy Valentine's Day! Real-estate search site StreetEasy recently teamed up with dating app Hinge to create this infographic showing the best neighborhoods in New York City for dating. Here's how they compiled the data:
We looked at Hinge data among all NYC-based users in 2016, examining save rates (if users are interested in a person’s profile, they will “save” it, so a higher save rate indicates popularity or desirability; users who save more profiles are deemed “less picky” while users who save fewer profiles are deemed “pickier”), average full conversation count (or “chattiness”), and connection to phone number exchange rate (the rate at which users connect with each other versus the rate at which they exchange phone numbers, indicating a likelihood to meet outside the app).
Of the three boroughs analyzed, here are the top 5 neighborhoods in each:
- West Village
- Murray Hill
- Flatiron
- East Village
- Chelsea
- Williamsburg
- Brooklyn Heights
- Greenpoint
- Fort Greene
- East Williamsburg
- Astoria
- Hunter’s Point
- Long Island City
- Forest Hills
- Sunnyside
Check out the accompanying article for more insights.
via StreetEasy
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