donateNYC is an official program from the New York City Department of Sanitation that makes it easy for individuals and businesses to donate and reuse goods instead of discarding them.
By donating and reusing goods instead of discarding them, New Yorkers can greatly reduce waste, conserve energy and resources, save money, and help provide jobs and human services for New Yorkers in need. donateNYC is an essential part of NYC’s 0X30 initiative, helping New Yorkers reach the goal of sending zero waste to landfills by 2030. donateNYC also provides vital support for New York City’s reuse community, helping nonprofit organizations and local reuse businesses increase and promote their reuse efforts. Residents can use donateNYC to give or find second-hand goods; businesses and nonprofits can exchange used goods; and local reuse organizations can join the donateNYC Partnership.
Explore donateNYC through their website or free Android App. The iOS app is not yet available, but should be released soon.
via NYC.gov
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