Subway Analyst is a website that uses publicly accessible MTA subway fare data and turnstile data in order to get clues on what is going on in each station. The site was started by an unknown "NYC-based data analyst who really likes trains."
After last week's opening of the new 34th St / Hudson Yards station, Subway Analyst took a look at its hourly entrance data to see how popular it was compared to nearby stations.
Last week, in the 5.5 days the station was operational before the city released data, the station saw about 42,000 turnstile entrances and 55,000 turnstile exits. While those numbers look large, this actually makes Hudson Yards one of the least busy stations in midtown.
These results are exactly as expected however, because the station was not built to support the existing businesses and residents, but rather the forthcoming Hudson Yards project in the coming years.
Check out the full article for more analysis on the data.
via Subway Analyst
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