San Francisco based Spoke Art Gallery is hosting a popup gallery in Chelsea next month, August 7th through August 9th at the
Joseph Gross Gallery.
The exhibit is called Bad Dads and features works of fine art inspired by the films of visionary movie director Wes Anderson.
Spoke Art is proud to present Bad Dads V – A group art show tribute to the films of Wes Anderson. Following the incredibly popular exhibitions of years past, Bad Dads continues to grow and progress as a dynamic group exhibition. This year over 80 artists were invited to contribute an original work of art, spanning from paintings to sculptures to limited edition screen prints, all in tribute to one the world’s most noteworthy filmmakers.
All of the works shown in the exhibit are for sale, but many have already sold for multiple hundreds and thousands of dollars.
If you are a big Wes Anderson fan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see your favorite characters through the eyes of well-known artists in a variety of styles, or even own some great pieces of fanart for your wall.
via Dazed Digital
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