Depending on your relationship status, Valentine's Day can be a great holiday or a crappy one. Whichever way you feel about the day, we can all agree that chocolate is one of the better aspects of February 14th. What better way to celebrate the day—single or not—than by taking a tour down the Brooklyn Chocolate Trail Map! You can go self-guided through the 12 local chocolate makers in the borough, or even take a guided bus-tour through the A Slice of Brooklyn Chocolate Tour.
Embark on your own “chocolate hopping” adventure, fuhgettaboud Hershey’s, and hop on A Slice of Brooklyn’s Chocolate Tour while enjoying a bus ride through chocolate history! With this list of 12 local chocolatiers, factories, and tasting rooms – which all offer tours or tastings – you will have a great shot at revamping the “give your loved one chocolate for Valentine’s” gifting idea! From sweet and candied to raw and dark chocolates, Brooklyn’s got it all!
Check out the announcement page to learn more about the Brooklyn Chocolate Tasting Trail and its shops.
via Explore Brooklyn
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