The Pizza Show is a popular series from Munchies that explores pizza world wide with Brooklyn-native host, and owner of Best Pizza in Williamsburg, Frank Pinello. The show has explored several pizza joints in Manhattan and Brooklyn in the past, but in this recent episode from the series, Pinello heads out to Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island to find some of the best pizza in those boroughs.
We start off in Queens with our favorite Renaissance man Action Bronson for a slice tour of two of his favorite places. Then we're off to Staten Island with VICE security guard and foodie extraordinaire Vic Zagami to get some crispy bar pies and the legendary vodka pie at Goodfella's. The episode ends with a visit to the Bronx for a walk down Arthur Avenue with Mark Iacono, Frank's favorite pizza friend. Frank and Mark's walk is filled with fresh cheese, prosciutto, clams, tripe—and, of course, more pizza.
via Munchies
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