The Lively Morgue is a daily photo blog from the New York Times in which an original photo from the newspaper's archives is reposted along with tidbits of information gleaned from the historical article it accompanied. Along with a rescan of the original photograph, the backs of each photo are also scanned, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the editorial process of one of the world's best newspapers.
Today's post shows a photograph of a 23-section-long centipede balloon captured during a 1929 parade thrown by "R.H. Macy & Co."
Dec. 8, 1929: A centipede-like creation comprising several balloons during the annual parade put on by “R.H. Macy & Co.” was set to fly into the sky at the parade’s conclusion. The balloon animal was designed by Tony Sarg, a puppeteer whose name was associated with the parade in the early days — “designed grotesque balloons in annual Macy parade,” his obituary read.
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