Our friends over at Untapped Cities recently "dug up" the fascinating and mysterious story of a mastodon fossil discovered in 1925 on the northern tip of Manhattan's Inwood neighborhood.
Later that day, Dr. CC Mook from the Museum of Natural History was dispatched uptown to collect the bones. Only, before he could arrive on the scene, Inwood locals made off with the majority of the specimen. One story, reported in The Sun on March 25, 1925, recounts a construction worker showing the fossils to a local milkman only to have the milkman run away with the bones. By the time Dr. Mook arrived on the scene, only three teeth were left. The story goes on to say that two of those remaining three teeth were promptly picked out of Dr. Mook’s pocket as he made his way from the construction site to his car.
Check out the full story for more on Inwood's mastodon.
via Untapped Cities
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