Results for "city hall station" Search city hall station 1 Result Sort: Oldest Borough: Manhattan Neighborhood: East Harlem Clear All Filters Authors Matt Coneybeare 1 Sort Relevance Newest Oldest Authors Matt Coneybeare 1 Boroughs Manhattan 1 Neighborhoods East Harlem 1 Morningside Heights 1 Harlem 1 Citi Bike Heading Uptown Later This Year With Morningside Heights, Harlem, and East Harlem Expansion by Matt Coneybeare on Apr. 15, 2016 at 7:03 AM at 7:03 AM on April 15, 2016 The Fall 2016 Citi Bike expansion will hit the uptown neighborhoods of Morningside Heights, Harlem, and East Harlem amongst others in different boroughs. Here are some of the first expansion…