Cupid's Undie Run is an annual race through Midtown Manhattan and 46 other cities in which participants run about a mile in only underwear — in February — for fun and charity, all helping research for Neurofibromatosis.
Raising money to cure a nasty genetic disorder not enough for you? OK, how about a one mile-ish fun run in your underwear in the middle of February, topped off with a wicked pre-game and after-party, great company, and more fun that you’ve EVER had on a Valentine’s Day? We know… we had you at “underwear.” Cupid’s Undie Run started with the goal of raising money to end neurofibromatosis and, having raised $3.5 million last year, this thing just keeps getting bigger.
This year's Cupid Undie Run is on Febarury 18th @ 12pm on W. 58th St. Check out the event page to learn more about running or donating, and to register for the event.

Submitted via Viewing NYC Tips
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