There is a lot of stuff going on the City, and we can't write about it all. Here are some interesting things some of our friends have written up lately.
- 6sqft ⇒ SL Green breaks ground on One Vanderbilt, NYC’s second tallest tower – see new interior renderings
- Bedford + Bowery ⇒ About Those Geodesic Domes That Have Popped Up in Soho
- Brownstoner ⇒ Brooklyn Bicycle: The Photogenic Bicycles of Brooklyn
- Curbed NY ⇒ Infinite upon infinite: New York City in maps
- Daytonian in Manhattan ⇒ The 1897 West Side Republican Club -- No. 2307 Broadway
- Gothamist ⇒ 40 Frozen Dead Cats Found in LIC Self-Storage Unit
- Housely ⇒ The Top Ten Museums in New York
- New York Times ⇒ As Crime on the Subway Comes Down, Signs From an Earlier Era Do Too
- NextCity ⇒ NYC Bill Would Improve the City's Dangerously Overcrowded Sidewalks
- StreetArtNews ⇒ “The Greenest Point Murals” by Faile, Askew1, & Vexta in Brooklyn, NYC
- Street Art NYC ⇒ Kids on NYC Walls — Part XI: with Vince Ballentine, Faile, BK Foxx, Theresa Kim and Sipros
- Thrillist ⇒ Affordable Housing in NYC: What You Need to Know
- Untapped Cities ⇒ Gowanus Underworld: An Evocative Exhibition About the Lives of Those Who Lived on the Canal
- Vanishing New York ⇒ New York Bakery
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