[VIDEO] Vintage Film Shows New York City in the 1970s

I edited this video to roughly show what New York City was like in the 1970s. I’ve always been fascinated by the 1970s and New York City. I paired the clips with Kool & the Gang’s upbeat song Street Corner Symphony to reflect the visuals. Featuring some landmark scenes of the city ~ from the skyscrapers to the trains and the bridges. I tried to capture the vibe of the city in those times.

[VIDEO] Two Brothers Make New York's Spiciest, Juiciest Birria Tacos

Birria-Landia is a taco truck in the Jackson Heights neighborhood of Queens, New York, that is getting praise left, right, and center. The truck, operated by brothers José and Jesús Moreno, specializes in rich, juicy birria, a stew made out of beef and spices, which the brothers use in tacos, tostadas, and mulitas. You can also get a hot cup of consomé, or broth. The best way to eat the tacos is dipping them into the consomé. Editor's note: Insider visited Birria Landia in February 2020.

Birria-Landia is currently open for takeout and delivery daily from 2pm - 11pm. Check out @birrialandi on Instagram for more info.

[WATCH] The New York Draft Riots of 1863 - US Civil War

July 13th, 1863, New York City: The Colored Orphan Asylum is under siege. A cauldron of resentment, anti-authority, and racial tensions rise as the city becomes a battleground for Irish immigrants and the African American communities, who have been manipulated by powerful players. 🏢🔥 As anti-draft sentiments boil over into racial violence, the dire consequences of division and prejudice unfold in heart-wrenching detail. - When divisions are sown, everyone loses.