We all know about Neil deGrasse Tyson's Manhattanhenge — when the setting sun perfectly aligns with the East-West Streets on the Manhattan grid — but did you know that the same logic can be applied to all New York City Streets, regardless of borough? The ideas and math behind Manhattanhenge helped create the NYCHenge web app where you can determine which days of the year will have a perfectly aligning sunset on your non-Manhattan grid street.
Twice a year the sun aligns with the midtown grid in NYC, days we call, Manhattanhenge. Now you can discover henge events happening all over the city on every sunset of the year!
For instance, tonight's sunset perfectly aligns with much of the Long Island City grid. It's an interesting tool and a valuable asset for sunset-seeking photographers. Check out NYCHenge at nychenge.com.
via Popular Science
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