Vintage Photograph of Barbra Streisand Filming a Movie on a Boat on the East River

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July 18, 1967: “Boy am I gonna sue you. My back hurts. My feet hurt,” Barbra Streisand, the actress and diva, told Ray Stark, the producer of the film version of “Funny Girl,” which was being shot on the East River pier. A story cataloged the actress’s laments as the filmmakers shot take after take of her running down the pier with luggage: “This is the hardest work I’ve ever known. I had to be up at 6 in the morning. I’m not used to that. Normally I don’t get up until 1. I’m used to theater hours,” she said, adding, after picking at her finger, “I got thorns from those damned roses.”

Photo: The Lively Morgue