111 8th Ave | This was a tough shot to get, the way I wanted. This building is enormous, with very short setbacks, and I do not have a tilt/shift or PC lens. Instead I used an extreme ultrawide lens (7mm m4/3, 14mm equivalent) pointed at an upward angle to get the entire façade in while standing on the other side of the street in front of Chelsea Market. I was standing at the edge of the sidewalk, and even so the awning above me was just out of frame at the top, and I had to be very careful about lens flare. I was careful to center the building in the center of the frame and keep the horizon precisely level to make the post-processing corrections easier.
I partially corrected the extreme converging lines in Lightroom, using a -100 Vertical setting in the Lens Corrections tool. Due to the extreme distortion, this still left a significant amount of perspective convergence, but I think it still looks good. There are artifacts in the button corners, but I chose to leave them rather than slice off even more of the button or sides of the building than I already had.