Cast & Place, from Team Aesop, is the winning art installation for the City of Dreams Pavilion 2017 on Governor's Island this Summer. Comprised of 300,000 aluminum cans, the massive sculpture is created using dried riverbed dredged from the East River.
Dredged soil and fill, the material also used to make Governors Island, is laid out to dry and crack in reclaimed wood molds. Recycled aluminum cans from the city are melted and poured into the cracked dredge. The results are light, strong panels assembled into spaces for performance and play. At the end of the summer, the pavilion will be disassembled and turned into benches and trellises for the people that helped support the project.
The installation needs your help acquiring the cans and materials though, so the team behind it has setup a Kickstarter Campaign where you can donate for a variety of perks.
via Untapped Cities
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