Goodmeal is a new food delivery App in the City similar to Seamless, Grubhub and Caviar in which you can minimize your human interaction and order a meal completely through the app to be paid for and delivered straight to your door.
What sets Goodmeal apart though is that the startup is focusing on healthy and tasty meals, and the meals are cooked in a private kitchen rather than existing restaurants. In other words, you won't be getting your 4am Insomnia Cookies from this app, but you will get delicious options like Avocado and Tangerine Salad with Grilled Chicken and a handful of other healthy dishes to choose from each day.
We carefully select our ingredients and menus to ensure a wholesome meal. We rotate the menu daily so you enjoy something new every day. […] We focus on preparing healthy meals. We’ll show you the ingredient list, nutritional facts, and even how we've prepared your meal […] We have a team of friendly cyclists making sure you're happy with your goodmeal.
Download Goodmeal for FREE on the iTunes App Store.
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