There is a lot of stuff going on the City, and we can't write about it all. Here are some interesting things some of our friends have written up lately.
- 6sqft ⇒ $11.5M Full-Floor West Village Loft Is Available for the First Time in 40 Years
- Bowery Boogie ⇒ This Bowery Building With Invader Mosaic Traded for $9.8M
- Daytonian in Manhattan ⇒ The Franklin Inn -- No. 176 Franklin St
- DNAinfo New York ⇒ The Upper East Side's Lack of Green Space Is Clear From On High
- Brokelyn ⇒ 4 Must-See Movies at This Year’s Bushwick Film Festival
- Thrillist ⇒ Best New Restaurants and Bars in NYC-September 2016
- Untapped Cities ⇒ The Top 10 Secrets of NYC’s Calvary Cemetery in Queens, the Largest in the US
- Luxury Listings NYC ⇒ Henry Fonda’s Upper East Side townhouse just sold for $10M
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