[BOOKS] Bodega Cat: a New Illustrated Book by Louie Chin

Bodega Cat, by Louie Chin
Bodega Cat, by Louie Chin
Photo: Louie Chin

Bodega Cat is a new book from local illustrator and designer Louie Chin which explores the New York City bodega through the eyes of its bodega cat.

In Bodega Cat, a cat named Chip takes us through his bustling workday at the Matos family’s Bodega: from receiving boxes in the morning and the breakfast rush, through inventory-counting and making deliveries, to dinnertime with his family when Chip's human-Papi cooks up some of the best Dominican food in the borough for their friends and neighbors. There is no rest for this busy kitty…except for when it’s time to chase pigeons with his human-brother Damian, or take the occasional nap on bags of potato chips.

the book is scheduled to be released in September, but you can pre-order a hardcover copy of Bodega Cat today for just $18 on Amazon.

via Amazon

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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