[VIDEO] Peek Inside Donald Trump's Personal Trump Tower Office in Midtown

Seeing as the area around Trump Tower may be difficult to navigate for the next 4 years, Donald Trump's personal office will probably not be seen by many people outside of Washington insiders. So these two 2015 videos from the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal give us a rare peek inside the personal office of the President Elect.

Donald Trump took WSJ's Monica Langley on a tour of his office in the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Among his memorabilia: one of Shaquille O'Neal's sneakers.

A photo with Ronald Reagan, a framed "Playboy" cover and a view overlooking Central Park: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives The Washington Post a tour of his office on the 26th floor of Trump Tower in New York.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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