Vic Invades, a Revealing Profile of an Adventurous New York City Urban Explorer

Vic Invades is a revealing op-doc from The New York Times which follows a young urban explorer named Victor Thomas as he does his thing around the City.

Australian filmmaker Matthew Bate created the video collaboratively across an ocean and over the internet with Vic. Reflecting on his subject and the short film for the Times, Bate comments:

When I look back on the films I’ve made, I see a recurrent theme — one that champions people who are creating art outside of the confines of any industry. I see Vic, an aspiring photographer from Brooklyn, in this light – he creates extraordinary images of New York City, a place I love. Vic’s passion for adventure and his city in these photographs – all of which he has created by scaling buildings and entering into the unseen depths of an abandoned subway — add to the drama. Yes, it’s illegal, and yes, it’s dangerous, but it’s in the name of creation and beauty. I believe Vic when he describes himself as the “Robin Hood” of photography — stealing views generally reserved for the few, and sharing them with us all.

Check out the accompanying article for more.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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